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Saturday, August 30, 2008

shall dedicate this entry to sam cuz she really love to take emo shots!! hahahah!!
wasted ming hui emo shots not with mi! will add it when i get it from her!

Below are the emo shots:



and finally...

even the rabbit emo when im trying to take it when i was walking back to hostel!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Finally i get the photos from sam! heehee! thanks sam!!

I shall continue my Prague tour! we went to Petrin Hill and the flowers are so pretty!!!

I am surrounded by flowers:

Do i look like im lifting the cloud??

Den we went to mirror maze!
We have nice super long skinny leg:

Look at how fat i am!!

And i climb to the top of this Petrin Hill Tower:

And we left a note at the astronomy observatory:

Below is the horrible hostel 123!! the photos might look quite nice but actually it is quite dirty!!

Ok that's all for my prague tour! when sam update her blog on prague, i will let u all know!! hahaha!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ok shall blog about my Berlin tour first before continuing my Prague tour part 2 cuz most of moi pictures with sam:)

I love Berlin! the hostel was great! v clean and cozy! but again the photos with sam! hahahah!!

I love the history of Berlin and i would strongly recommend ppl who love history to come to Berlin! it is like what i have learnt in the textbook has come alive!

We went for a free Berlin tour and the tour guide George was great!! i guess he will be a v gd history teacher because he make the whole trip so interesting!

Below is the picture of the Berlin Wall:

The next day we went for the concentration camp tour, it was kind of depressing and it was raining the whole day:
The entrance of the concentration camp

the room that the Jews slept in, it was so cramp!

Station Z: their end station..
After this trip, the tour guide concludes with: " from this concentration camp, we should always remember not to let history repeat itself and to respect others regardless of race, religion, language or nationality."
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ok shall blog about my Prague trip now! im too lazy to list down the places i visit in details so will just put pictures of my Prague trip.. heehee! i went to Prague for 5 days 4 nights but i reach Prague at night and leave Prague early in the morning so only left 3 full days to tour Prague. We stay in Hostel 123 and it was located near the red light district! so we kind of freak out when we reach there at night! and the room size was like a 4room HDB in Singapore so it was kind of too big for 5 of us! overall the hostel looks kind of scary as there is no lightwhen we walk up the old spiral staircase at night! Will try to find for the hostel photos from sam and upload it!

We went to a quite a number of tourist attraction places:
Charles Bridge
Prague Castle
The guard at prague castle entrance!
Look at how short the door is!
St Vichy Cathedral
Astronomical Clock

Beautiful scenery from top of tower :)

If u all want toread a more detailed blog of my prague tour, u can visit sam's blog at http://aeuropeanaffair.wordpress.com/ think she will update her blog soon! Haha!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Finally I had settled down in Lund hostel!! it was kind of tiring but luckily i have the help from sam's aunt so everything went quite smooth! the room condition was quite bad when i move in as the whole room stink and the toilet bowl seems to be full of shit! so i was busy cleaning up the whole room yest.. the room is 20.2 square metres so it is considered quite big for a hostel and there is private toilet. When i have more time the next free days, i will take pictures of my room :) I will try to blog more about my trip to Prague and Berlin in my next post!

Wanna thanks everyone who came to send me off!

First of all, of cuz my family!!

Yvonne and her parents came to send mi off too!! And they bought a super nice hello kitty bracelet for mi!! will take a pic soon!

My class 04S47, I was really very touched and surprised to see them! Quote from Yee Siang " we never forget about you ok". Thanks ppl!

Shilin and bf Sani
Shilin: Thanks for the cute present la! think i will not bear to use them!! hahaha!!

Thanks Wei Sing!
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Slacking at home today, so decided to take a few photos of my home so i can look at them when I'm in Sweden! heehee!!

This is my room:

Follow by my parents room:

My brother room:

Look at his collection of shot cup and comics!!( this is only a small part!)

Hello kitty containers and rice cooker!! :)
And lastly my living room:
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Finally pack my luggage today!! Really have a hard time trying to squeeze everything into the luggage! In the end i have to forgo some of the items..... Just make a few phone calls to my relatives to thank them for their big ang baos, I will make good use of them!!Later my friends and i will check in SQ online! hope can choose good seats tgt!! heehee!

Yesterday my dad brought me to have another fabulous meal! Think my parents worry i go there cant get use to the food there ba esp when i dun eat cheese!!

I bought a personal alarm in case i met some weird ppl on the streets!! Take a look below:

Just pull down and it will ring!
It is hello kitty in police uniform! isn't it cute??? =P