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Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally im back to Lund and have sort of rest and settled down once again! and of cuz moi dear dinner buddies have "welcome party" dinner for mi!! hahahah!! And guess what?! i have a surprise from sam which she claims to be a small present but it is really huge to mi!! it is BAK KWA!!!! she gave mi like almost 100g of it la! Thanks sam's mum too! but by the time i take photo only left abit! hahahah!

Den the next day mi, mh and sam the dinner buddies decide to use our seasoning! cuz we keep saving it until maybe can bring back to spore liao!! hahaha!! and sam donate her bak kut teh seasoning! it was seriously v v v v v nice!!!

And today, mi n sam decide to go town for dagen(lunch) and shopping and also catch up with each other la(cuz ard a week nv meet cuz i went london and dublin). I decided to dress up a little after seeing how the ppl in london are dressed! and i get moi inspiration from candy!! hahahah!

Sam and I were in the bus when we saw a lot of shops having the word REA(SALE) until we get so excited!!! but we decided to eat first cuz we are really hungry!
Look at our dagen!! it is very yummy! it is fish with one mussel(quite pathetic) and mash potato!

Den we went shopping!!!! sam bought her fav shirt from vero moda at a 50% discount!! while i bought alot of hello kitty stuff for my mum, relatives and friends from H&M and most of them have 50%!! And i bought a boot which the price drops from 580sek to 199 sek!!!!

After that we decide to go for coffee break! and i brought sam to moi fav place!
Really have a great time with sam la!! and after dinner, sam gave mi san za!!
She really like a doraemon hor! gt so many treasures one!hahahah!! And sam told mi n mh that her aunt has marinated chicken thigh for each of us for dinner tmr!! feel so blessed la! and her aunt like has telepathy with mi! cuz once i was thinking to have bee hoon den she cooked bee hoon! den today i was telling sam that i want to eat chicken thigh for dinner and den her aunt happen to prepare for us!! so qiao!! sam n her aunt are just like my relatives here in sweden la!! hahaha!! so happy!!=)
Thursday, October 16, 2008

And from london, i flew to Dublin (Ireland) with yh and darren!

And we visited a few attractions in the city center:

And of cuz we wun miss out GUINNESS! and i even have a certificate for THE PERFECT PINT! hahahah! i only manage to finish half of the beer cuz quite bitter!

And we also went to Jameson Irish Whiskey! i tried the whiskey with coke and whiskey with cranberry juice! it is so much better than drinking the plain whiskey! heehee!

And we went to Howth which is out of town, it is really beautiful! i ate the famous fish & chips!( seems like this is the 3rd fish& chip i have since london trip) there are even seal in the harbour!!

And of cuz i have a hard time walking on the rocky stones!

We even bought fresh fishes back to cook!yummy!

And most imptly, i want to thank moi bro fren Juimin! thanks to him we have a housing that is right in the centre of town which makes travelling so much easier! his apartment really looks like a hotel and he even buy breakfast for us! thanks juimin!=)

The guy in the picture is Juimin's roommate, Terry. Din have the chance to take a photo of juimin though.

And i will end of with the best photo i took in Dublin!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I shall blog about my London trip! Last Tuesday i went to London to look for CANDY!! hahahah! never will i imagine moiself to visit candy in London la!

This is candy's house in London! She stayed with other 3 fren in the hse:

Candy even lent mi her clothes to wear cuz when i go over it was surprisingly very sunny!!

Candy also brings mi ard her sch - Goldsmiths University of London

even though she keep nagging at mi for wasting her money to visit the tourist attraction again, she still bring mi to the various tourist attraction! realli v nice of her to bring mi to visit all the places again! thanks candy!

And the places are Big Ben, House of Parliament(harry potter fly by in the movie), Trafalgar square, Piccadilly's circus, Camden town, Hanley's(the super big 5 storey toy shop!) This are the places we cover in the first day!

We have alot of great food as well! roast duck rice, chicken rice, and moi fav dim sum(thanks mum for the treat!), bo luo bao, egg tart in london's chinatown! their chinatown realli have everything!! and they even sell milo in supermarket!

I also have a super pretty cupcake from portbello market, crepes at south keningston park and the real english breakfast meal!

Overall, i really like london and have a great time! and it really feels good to see candy again! at least after this trip, i know that our friendship are still strong! thanks candy!=)
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today went for my fav coffee break with mh again!!
Before i came here, i really dun like coffee but i start to love latte ever since Auntie Grace bought the Nescafe instant latte for mi!

We went to our fav Ramhlints Cafe and I have apple pie and latte!!
But coffee breaks are ex! for a latte and apple pie cost ard 20 sing la! even the vanilla cream for the apple pie need money!
Finally took a pic of my hostel entrance! Blk Y:
Tonite i have to cook dinner by myself cuz mh and sam went for their orientation group dinner!
Look at my food:
Quite pro rite?? and it really taste gd!! hahah!!
Friday, October 3, 2008

This entry is dedicated to Auntie Grace (sam's aunt)! realli a million thanks to her! with her ard, life is so much easier in Sweden! And i received a huge piece of mooncake from her!!

Look how happy i m:

Of cuz also want to thank darren who shared his precious mooncake with us la!! thanks darren! somehow in singapore i dun fancy mooncake that much but when i come here mooncake seems like a treasure!

Tonight we have a fabulous dinner!! and again thanks to auntie grace we have long bean and asam chili cuz they are rare items in Sweden!!

The food looks good rite?? i cooked the mushroom and chicken leh!hahaha!! Sam cooked the asam long bean and carrot while mh cooked the onion egg!

But of cuz the highlight is the long bean with asam chili!!

See we finish everything!!

Most imptly, thanks sam for all the sweet surprises!! realli realli happy!

Oh ya i took some photos of the autumn scenery when im in sch: