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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Last weekend, mh yh n i went to Gothenburg for a short tour! mh n i went to visit edwin while yh went to visit her fren winnie.

Our first stop was the famous Botanical Garden! The scenery was v nice! and it looks kind of different as the whole place was covered with snow=) We manage to climb to the top to have a gd view of the city!

Den of cuz we head to SHOPPING! Gothenburg realli has alot of shopping centers! we went to the biggest shopping center in Scandinavia - Nordstan. I would say that the size of this biggest shopping center will be Singapore's vivocity...hahaha! but better than nothing la! esp in Lund where there is no shopping center!!

And then we head to Liseberg which is also the biggest amusement park in Scandinavian! It was so beautiful with all the Christmas lighting! remind mi of moi previous yr trip to US Disneyland!!

There are also Christmas market inside Liseberg but it was so cold until all our feet are frozen!!! mh n i den decide to try our luck for the 2kg worth of Swedish choco! there are 100 numbers to choose from, and each consecutive 5 numbers cost 20KR and they will spilt the wheel and there will be one number chosen! we are so close to winning la!!!

Some group photos with the ppl studying in Gothenburg:

Some random photos of Gothenburg:

Finally, thanks edwin for cooking the nice dinner!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It is snowing in Lund!! Last thurs, sam, yh, darren n I saw flurries and we immediately came out of our hostel and start playing and taking photos with the flurries! Flurries are more like ice instead of snow so it can be alittle pain when suddenly there is alot of ice falling on you.

It was a pity we misses the first snow on Fri cuz mi n mh went to Gothenburg. But i get to see the real snow yest!! And as usual mi n sam went out to take photos! cuz it was in the day so cant realli see the snow in the pic =(

Our attempt to build mr snow man!! but like not v successful! HAHA!!

Mine is the one on the left and sam's fat snow man on the right!

Getting colder n colder....*freeze*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Last week went to town with sam again! if not both of us will be busy travelling!

And we went to our fav dagen place again!
Looks like my face become fatter!!!
And of cuz after the main course, we will look for another cafe to have desserts! HAHA!!
And finally we tried Swedish chocoball! it is choco with coconut, take a look below:
There is so much variety of pastries until i dunnoe which one shld i choose!!
Auntie Grace has been feeding mi n sam with wonderful meals la! look at the pic!
she can really open restaurant! the kalpudding is so nice and the tandoori chicken even more shiok!!

And of cuz i also cook nice lunches! And recently i really love the pastries from the ICA supermarket! so i will buy them after my early lessons cuz ICA v near business sch!

And finally we decided to use my seasoning for herbal chicken! if not by then i can bring back spore! but the waiting time for the chicken to be ready is realli long!!

And yest mi n mh decided to have western food! and i suddenli rem what moi mum taught mi! to put honey on the pork and bake it in oven! and it realli taste superb!we also have garlic bread and fries! yummy!

Recently the weather abit gloomy=( and the weather forecast for this weekend is... SNOW!!
This friday mi and mh will be heading to gothenburg to look for our fren, Edwin! hope it is fun! and hope we can go to the Christmas party in Liseberg amusement park!=)
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Yest nite me and mh was invited to audwin's dinner at Sparta. The food was really great!!! we have pineapple rice, salmon, pasta, red wine chicken and cabbage!

Look at the presentation of the pineapple rice! full mark rite?!

The smu bunch are realli friendly and nice to tok to =)
Today mi and mh cooked the chinese vegetable we bought from malmo!

And i marinated the salmon!!

Yummy yummy!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So long never blog le... have been busy with school for 2 weeks la! cuz of all the take home exam and written test! So have been staying in lund since i came back from dublin=)

And of cuz have been cooking and eating all the nice food:
And after the business policy, me, sam and mh went to town and have dagen and visit the famous Lund Cathedral.

We went to the AF building and bought the Lund University pullover! i also bought a cap for my dad! =)

And finally i received my new furniture! I have a new bed and it was so much thicker until my present bedsheet cant fit la! so shiok! they also gave mi new chair, table and shelves!

And on Tuesday, we have potluck! The food was realli nice!! And i really enjoy myself! Thanks everyone!

Recently, the sky turn dark ard 430pm. =( And seems like winter is coming soon cuz it is getting colder and COLDER until i have to start wearing my trenchcoat le...

We went Malmo yest and went to eat IKEA's meatball! finally i get to eat it la cuz the previous visit it was sold out! but somehow i dun realli like the taste of meatball.. but the cake was gd!

Recently have been watching ming zhong zhu di wo ai ni! it is so nice!! can make ppl cry n laugh at the same time!! have been a long time nv watch such a nice drama series le! strongli recommend to drama series lover!!

Time really passes so fast! in less than 2 mths time i will be back le!=) guess i will miss the laid back life in Lund when i go back NUS! but of cuz right now i realli miss my dear family!!