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Monday, May 4, 2009

Finally my last destination in Europe, Paris!! Paris is one of my favourite cities in Europe beside London.. I hope i have the chance to go back again!!
We first went for the free new europe tour and went to sight see local attractions, we then decide to pick those few that we want to further sightsee such as Champs Elysées, Notre Dame Cathedral, The Louvre and my dream The Eiffel Tower! And not forgetting to help my mum n bro to buy stuff from Louis Vuitton!!

And of cuz the reason for going in to The Louvre was to see the Mona Lisa! heehee!

We manage to catch The Eiffel Tower in the night and went v early the next morning to buy the ticket to reach the top of Eiffel Tower! It was so windy that we had to practically run around the tower to take photos!!

We also went to Chateau de Versailles but we did not go into the Palace cuz the queue is too long=(

The last night we went to Moulin Rouge and had dinner nearby, the beer 1664 is really nice!!

Overall, i would say that the whole exchange is a memorable experience and is something that i will cherish forever. =)

I am going Hokkaido soon and will post about it when I'm back!!=)